YA Madness has a new home!

Hello all my faithful followers! For anyone still on Blogger, or on email alerts for me, I'm so so excited that YA Madness now has a new home! I've made the scary, but exciting transition to Wordpress - and we now

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Freeks - Amanda Hocking

Amanda Hocking, author of the Trylle trilogy, gave me a little bit of her time to answer these questions... Do you have any rituals when you are writing?My rituals are pretty basic. Make a playlist, go into my office with

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A Quiet Kind of Thunder - Sara Barnard

Sometimes a whisper is as good as a shout... But in this case I just want to shout about this book! Sara Barnard, author extraordinaire, gave me a little bit of her time to answer these questions... What is your

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100 Days of Summer - Author Spotlight

(Image found here on We Heart It) Author Spotlight! Since my first book for the reading challenge is done and dusted, it is time to move onto the second... So I'm going to do an author spotlight on the author

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100 Days of Summer - Book Spotlight!

(Image found here on We Heart It) Book Spotlight! My first book on my 100 Days of Summer Reading Challenge is Gemina by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. So today I'm going to be doing a Book Spotlight on.... Illuminae

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100 Days of Summer Reading Challenge

(Image found here on We Heart It) Summer is here... And that means that university is over for the next few months, and THAT means I can finally start reading again. So I decided to set another challenge for myself

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