Top Ten Tuesday - Jan 5, 2016

by 4:27 PM 1 comments
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week there is a new topic and we all share our thoughts on that topic!

For this week on Top Ten Tuesday, the topic is:

Top Ten Resolutions for 2016

(In no particular order)

Read more books in 2016 than I did last year

This one should be really easy because in 2015 I only read 17 books. Which is a terrible terrible effort and makes me ashamed to even call myself a reader/blogger/person.

This year, my aim is for 30 - which really is still a bad effort, but let's not aim too high.

Try to blog more

At the start of 2015 (and come to think of it, 2014 too) I promised the new year would be better in terms of reading and blogging, and alas, something always comes in the way.

In previous years before 2014, when I could actually read 150 books in a year, I had only to look after a baby (and sometimes clean a house) so I had lots of spare time when bub slept. The last two years have been different because I started studying and bub grew up and life became hectic.

So here is to 2016 being the year that I actually make good on my promise!

Finish the Harry Potter series

This resolution is a little more specific, but you can see why. Yes, I haven't read the entire HARRY POTTER series. I have made it through book one and two, and that took me YEARS. So this year I have to knock off the rest of the books even if it kills me, which it may.

Try to read more books on my shelves instead of buying new ones

This one should be a bit easier because in 2016 I'm going to be poor trying to save for a house, and paying off a wedding - so I won't have money to buy new books but I need the resolution all the same.

I have over a hundred and fifty books in my shelf that are unread. Yes, you read that right. I am a book hoarder. 

I used to have more time (see resolutions 1 and 2) and thought I would fly through them easily, but now it seems it isn't going to work through that way so this year I want to knock a few off my shelf!

Interact with the bookish community more

In previous years, I have made some amazing friends in my town, and many more online - unfortunately I only see a few of them and barely speak to any online ones anymore. I used to be on Twitter a lot more, and be more interactive so this year I want to get back into that.

Do well in University

This is a personal one for me, and it means a lot to me. In semester one of 2015 I started Uni in an Arts course, and basically sucked at it. I decided to switch courses to something in Business for semester two and I FREAKING ACED IT. Even when I though I'd bombed an exam, I still came out with extremely good marks, so I want 2016 to be just as successful for me.

Eat whatever the hell I want

Because trying to start dieting is soooo 2010/2011/2012/2013/2014/2015.


Exercise.... Like at all

So if I'm going to eat whatever I like, I might as well try counter some of the side effects by adding some sort of exercise into my diet.

Cherish all my friends

At the start of 2015 I lost one of my closest friends in the world. That made the rest of the year long and hard, but I've come to realise that sometimes things happen for the best. Now I want to make sure the friends I still have know how much they mean to me.

Marry the man of my dreams

This one is not so much a resolution as more a tremendous part of how my 2016 is going to play out, so that's why it is here. I better bloody make it down that aisle.

* * *

That's all folks! Come back next week for another top ten and make sure you put your own list in the comments!

Mad Claire


Reader, Blogger

Twenty-something | book-blogger | tea-drinker | procrastinator | wannabe-writer | student

1 comment:

  1. Good list to reach in 2016!
    My TTT:


Ooh yes, comments puh-leaaase :D