Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week there is a new topic and we all share our thoughts on that topic!
Bring the Magical World of Harry Potter to Life

Because Evie is bad-ass, and while I don't want to killing people brutally, I still think this would be a whole lot of fun.
Bring Sarah J. Maas and Susan Dennard together to Perth... (because we're lonely here)
Because I know I'm not the only one with a broken heart by most of what's happened, in like, every single book.
For this week on Top Ten Tuesday, the topic is:
Ten Wishes I'd Ask the Book Genie to Grant Me!
The Ultimate Library...
Yes, like most other book lovers out there, my first wish would be to have the ultimate home library, like in Beauty and the Beast. Filled with all the books I could ever want, all in beautiful hardback covers - and with a wicked rolling ladder too!
Wouldn't say no to a Prince either...
Bring the Magical World of Harry Potter to Life
If I could bring a world to life, it would most definitely be Harry Potter, and magic. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of other book worlds I'd love to delve into, but this one takes the cake. Even if I haven't read the books... The movies show enough for me.
Let Me Go Back to School in the world of Jellicoe Road
So anyone who knows me, knows this is my all time favourite book! And as much as I hated school, I'd go back (for a bit) to be a part of this world. So rather than bringing an entire world to life, I'd just want it to be included in the main cast of this story.
Let Jack and Death Fight Over Me
Anyone who has read these, will understand my wish.
And following that...
Let Me Be the Bad-ass Empress in A War Game of Arcana Cards

You know, even with the killing... *ahem*
Bring Sarah J. Maas and Susan Dennard together to Perth... (because we're lonely here)
These two are some of my favourite authors, and aren't they just the best adorable friends ever!
Please please please come.
Also, Alexandra Bracken should come too, just because.
Go Into The World of Throne Of Glass, and make sure everything goes right...

So I'm going to save Sam, and live with him happily ever after.
Whoops, only came up with seven! Forgive me this week guys.
* * *
That's all folks! Come back next week for another top ten and make sure you put your own list in the comments!
Mad Claire
Mad Claire
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Ooh yes, comments puh-leaaase :D